Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today my son turns 18. 

I am, quite literally, looking back on a whole childhood with this boy of mine…..and finding it difficult, if not impossible, to believe that it has really been EIGHTEEN YEARS!!!  Yeah, I feel old. No, I cannot fathom how this is possible.


In part it feels impossible that you could be 18 because the day you were born is still so vivid in my mind.  Every moment, every feeling is so clearly remembered that it simply could not have been that long ago. And yet, 18 years IS a long time ago.  A whole childhood has occurred since then.

I am quite sure that neither your dad nor I had any idea what we were getting ourselves into.  We could not have imagined how completely we could love and cherish another human being.  We could not have fathomed the lengths we would go to protect you.  We couldn’t know how much you would make us smile, and how completely you would change our lives.

Our first born…..our only son.  You will always be special in this position you hold in our family.

What I know now, with the ability to look back at this childhood of yours, is that your existence in this world is my everything. Having you, raising you, makes me who I am today.  Each joy, each challenge, we went through it together, and while some of the challenging times are vivid in my mind to this day, the joys and moments of triumph outweigh those hard times 20 to 1.  You have, to coin a phrase, come a long way baby!!!

Your Dad and I could not be more proud of the young man you have grown into.  You show us daily your strength, compassion, resiliency, fortitude, wisdom, and character.  Every virtue I could have hoped to see in my child, my son, I see in you.  Fully formed, solidly a part of your every day life, and destined to change this world we live in.  Your future is so very bright and we are so privileged to be along for the ride.

Hang on to your dreams son……and work and fight to get to them.  Know your Dad, Sister’s and I will be right there supporting you, loving you, and reveling in your amazing accomplishments!!!!  I simply cannot wait to see what the next 18 years has to bring…..the next 80 years even better.

With LOVE and Pride,
Your Mom


  1. That is a beautiful letter to Chance. Of course, it's easy to write fabulous things about someone so very special. You've done a great job raising your son and have so very much to be proud of.


  2. Happy birthday, Chance!

    What a wonderful letter and amazing young man!


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