Friday, March 22, 2013


Not once, but twice in the last few days, I have felt the need to send a message to a friend I have neglected. They are not the only ones that deserve such a note either. I have been remiss in my duties as a friend.

We have amazing friends & family.

We knew that before last summer, and somehow you all still managed to amaze us with your hearts.

Just last week I was sharing with someone that I love going to Houston from a social standpoint, simply because we are there for a finite time and this forces me to make plans and set dates for getting together with our friends & family. I come home and in some illogical way, it seems like there is all the time in the world to get together, so those dates don’t get set, and phone calls don’t get made like they should.

What is confounding about this scenario is two fold: a) We should know better than most that we DON’T have all the time in the world, and this should lead us to action, and b) we are struggling with how we can possibly be grateful enough for this “second chance”, while ignoring the “small” things like spending time with the people that we love that can make a difference.

While we have been looking for this BIG thing we are supposed to do with this gratefulness that we feel, struggling to come to terms with it and find the meaning of it all, I am realizing that it is, and always has been, the smaller things that have made the most difference. Yes, we want to make a difference in this world. We always did. It’s just so much more profound after the events of the last year.

In some ways, that desire to figure out the “big picture” of this whole thing, has paralyzed us from seeing the moments right in front of us.

Forgive me for not seeing what is right in front of my face.

You all are such a huge blessing to us. We continue to be profoundly touched by all you have done for our family, and we are missing you all so much. It’s time for a change, time for us to start venturing back out into living and being with the people we care about. Spring has sprung and there is no time like the present!! Let's get together soon!!

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